"This book is a masterpiece. It embodies the wealth of modern exegetical criticism opened by Protestant theologians like Karl Barth, the greatest traditions of 'devotio moderna, ' French seventeenth century thought, the great insights of the Catholic mystics, and the matured speculation of scholasticism. But above all, it is an approach to Christ through the Gospels."
-H.A. Reinhold, "Commonweal"
"Guardini s book The Lord has not grown old, precisely because it still leads us to that which is essential, to that which is truly real, Jesus Christ Himself. That is why today this book still has a great mission."
-Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI
Romano Guardini (1885-1968) was one of the most important Catholic figures of the 20th century. An ordained priest, author, and professor at the University of Berlin until he was expelled for criticizing the Nazis, he taught the future Pope Benedict XVI. After the war, he continued teaching at the University of Tubingen and the University of Munich, co-founding the Catholic Academy in Bavaria during his tenure at the latter. His many works include The Lord, The World and the Person, The Spirit of the Liturgy, and The End of the Modern World. Guardini was the recipient of the German publishing industry's Peace Prize in 1952 and the Erasmus Prize in 1962. The Archdiocese of Munich and Freising opened the Cause for Canonization for Guardini in 2017.