Hardcover, gold-edged pages, with ribbon bookmarks
There is only one fully traditional Latin-English hand missal in print for laypeople. This is Dom Gaspar Lefebvre’s [not to be confused with Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre] edition of The Saint Andrew Daily Missal with Vespers for Sundays and Feasts and Kyriale. It is the most complete traditional missal in print.
Complete with Vespers and the Kyriale in modern notation, the Saint Andrew Missal is a reprint of the 1945 edition. The Ordinary of the Mass in Latin and English is printed with red rubrics. The missal includes beautiful narratives of each feast day for the liturgical year as well as spiritual and doctrinal notes, and features various illustrations throughout. Imprimatur 1945.Hardcover, five multi-colored ribbons, 2188 pp.